Funeral pre-planning: The importance of having a will

Funeral pre-planning: The importance of having a will

Many people have a plan for their lives, from career goals to financial roadmaps. But much fewer people have a plan for after they pass. After all, there is nothing to worry about since we are no longer present, right? Perhaps not quite. When we make arrangements for our death, we ensure that our wishes are carried out exactly as we intend.

One crucial aspect of funeral pre-planning is will writing. A will is a legal document that specifies your wishes regarding the distribution of your property and assets, as well as the care of any dependants upon your passing. However, wills are not limited to financial matters. For example, they can also include instructions about your funeral preferences.

Funeral will writing


Without a will, things can get messy when you pass away. This is because your assets will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act, which may not necessarily be fair or in accordance with your wishes.

Potential family conflicts

Imagine a family with multiple siblings and one of them is the primary caregiver of their elderly father. When the father passes away without making a will, his assets will be divided equally among the siblings. From the standpoint of the caregiving sibling, this distribution may not be the fairest. It may also not be the father’s intention for his children to receive equal portions of his estate. When feelings of injustice arise over the distribution of an estate, family conflict can happen, with some leading to costly, drawn-out legal battles.

Delays in asset distribution

In the absence of a will, the surviving family members must decide among themselves on an administrator of the estate. This is a hefty role, as the administrator is responsible for managing and distributing the estate according to the Intestate Succession Act. Additionally, the administrator is accountable for mishandling the estate. It is not uncommon for delays in distribution to occur due to disagreements in appointing an administrator.

Complications in funeral planning

Do you have specific preferences on how you want your final farewell to be conducted? Does your family have a clear idea of your preferences, and will they carry them out dutifully when the time comes? Without a will stating the instructions on your after-life arrangements, there is no guarantee that your wishes will be fulfilled. In some cases, families experience arguments and fallouts when there are differing opinions regarding funeral matters. Leaving explicit funeral instructions in your will can therefore make things easier for your loved ones, giving them more emotional space to grieve.


Given the importance of a will, it is wise for anyone above 21 years old to draft one. This is especially so if you fall under any of the following groups:

  • Parents or those with dependants
  • Individuals with significant assets
  • Individuals who want to ensure that everything is taken care of after they pass, even without significant assets
  • Individuals with specific wishes


Contrary to popular belief, you can write a will yourself. However, if you want to make sure that your will is legally valid or if your will could be complicated, it is best to consult a lawyer. At Direct Funeral Services, we work with one of Singapore’s most established will writing companies to offer you a seamless funeral planning process, so you can say goodbye on your own terms.

To start your funeral planning journey with us, please email or call our 24/7 helpline at +65 6555 1115.